
Patricia Dines
Freelance Writer,
Editor, Public Speaker &
Graphic Artist
For Our Selves, Our
Communities, & Our

you want to hear about my print
articles when they're released?
Just sign up for my low
volume writing announcement list (1
to 3 emails a month) at www.patriciadines.info/EList.

visit my Patricia Dines
page there. You can
also check out my Ask EcoGirl page!
They both make it to easy to get useful
and empowering information in your
Newsfeed -- and show your support of my
work in the world!
I invite you
to read my recent writing:
* You can check out
my current and past STEP newsletters at
"It's your handy guide to less-toxic living!"
* I invite you to savor and
share the divine nurturing of my spiritual
storybook for people of all ages, "The
Goddess Who Forgot That She Was a Goddess."
This tale has been sent to soothe our sadness
and nurture our divine blossoming.
Ongoing news for the Goddess
book is at www.healthyworld.org/GoddessBookN.html.
Get on my email
list to be kept informed of events and
special discounts. See
Patricia Dines' ongoing posts
about the book and more on
her Facebook
Writer page.
* I
invite you to check out my personal/spiritual
blog, Life's Sacred
Remnants. I invite you to
check it out and let me know if it resonates for
Ask EcoGirl
has moved to Facebook! Like her page
to get inspiring and useful
eco-information in your Newsfeed.
* Read all her past
columns, organized by topic area, at
You can also
check out my other past published articles
of interest.
same list with descriptions follows.
* Investigating
The Next STEP Mystery, Sonoma
County Gazette, May 2013.
* Should We Fluoridate Our
Community's Water? Sonoma
County Peace Press, October/November 2013.
* Healing Our
Culture's Abuse of the Earth, Part I,
Sonoma County Peace Press, April/May
* Green Getaways,
NorthBay biz magazine, July 2011.
* Profitable Green,
NorthBay biz magazine, February 2011.
* Navigating Nonprofit
Technology, NorthBay biz
magazine, January 2011.
* True Green: Moving beyond
greenwashing to create authentic eco-success,
NorthBay biz magazine, August 2010.
(The cover article!)
* A Deeper Shade of Green,
NorthBay biz magazine, "Green Scene,"
March 2010.
* Sonoma Compost:
Celebrating 25 Years, Sonoma-Marin
Farm News , February 2010.
* Green Pinstripes: Bringing
sustainability to the executive suite,
NorthBay biz magazine, February 2010.
* Financing a Greener World,
NorthBay biz magazine, August 2009.
* Uprooting the Environmental Causes
of Poverty & War, Sonoma
County Peace Press, August 2009.
>> You can see my
my full list of articles at www.patriciadines.info/p_articleslist.html.
>> For
my full portfolio, see www.patriciadines.info/i_portfolio.html.
Also of interest:
* Check
out my new "insanely useful" Ask EcoGirl booklets. titles. The two
current ones are -- Detoxing Your Life and
Healthier Houscleaning!
* My guest
appearance on "The View from the Bay",
the ABC TV talk show, offering eco-tips and
talking about my work. August 19, 2009.
* My
interview on planetshifter.com, August
>> Scroll down to
read the details of these and more!

My article
in the Sonoma County Gazette, "Investigating
The Next STEP Mystery"
I invite you to read my
light-hearted article about The Next
STEP, told like an investigative mystery
Here's my introduction to the
It comes disguised as a modest
newsletter, slipped inside Sebastopol's
bimonthly water bills. For over 12 years
now, its double-sided page has offered
useful information about how folks can
avoid our culture's common everyday
toxics and choose healthier options
instead. It seems innocent enough.
But lurking beneath the exterior of
"The Next STEP" newsletter (aka TNS) is
a deeper motive. The masthead offers a
clue, saying that STEP stands for
"Sebastopol Toxics Education Program."
The Editor unwittingly reveals that it's
an "innovative City-community
collaborative project."
It's devised, she says, not just to
benefit individuals, but also to help
residents work together in creating a
healthier and safer town.
You can read the full
column in the May issue of the wonderful
Sonoma County Gazette, or at www.healthyworld.org/STEP-Mystery.html. Plus that webpage has links
to more information about The Next STEP,
the Press Democrat article about our
fluoridation article, the related
Sebastopol City Council meeting, and

My article in the
Oct. Sonoma County Peace Press: "Understanding Concerns
About Community Water Fluoridation"
Here's my introduction to the
- The Sonoma County Board of
Supervisors is currently exploring a
proposal to put fluoridation
chemicals into our main water
supply. A final vote could happen in
the next few months. How do we want
them to decide?
- On the one hand, proponents'
claims for community water
fluoridation (CWF) do sound
appealing. Surely we'd all like to
believe that putting something into
our shared water supply could
improve everyone's dental health;
help folks in poverty; save us
money; and not harm any people,
pets, livestock, crops, wildlife, or
- However, my conclusion is that
these claims are fundamentally not
supported by today's science. That's
the reason that most industrialized
countries have rejected CWF, and
many people have taken a public
stand against it, including
thousands of top scientific experts,
dentists, doctors, former Public
Health Ministers, Nobel Laureates,
and more. Many were once proponents,
until they looked below the glossy
- I think we need to set a very
high standard before we put any
material into our community's
water supply. We should do so only
if it's proven 100% safe,
effective, and necessary. To me,
CWF fails all three tests.
However, some people are being
persuaded by the pro-CWF sales
pitch. Therefore, it's up to "we the
people" to stand up and protect our
local water, health, environment,
and food supply. A key part of this
is understanding and educating
others about the foundational
problems with CWF.
Continued at www.patriciadines.info/PPF.html.

My article in
Pacific Health Magazine: "Understanding Concerns
About Community Water Fluoridation"
I was delighted to be invited to
write a piece about the problems with
community water fluoridation for May's
Pacific Health Magazine. This
periodical is distributed to health
professionals in San Francisco's North
I had fun writing/developing this
information for a medical/scientific
audience, because I think they really
need to get this information.
I also think that this makes it a
useful piece for folks to forward to
more mainstream people. (The web
version has the article text with
citations, plus a PDF scan of the print
Here's my introduction to the
The claims for community water
fluoridation are certainly appealing.
We'd all surely like to believe that
putting a material into our shared water
supply could improve everyone's dental
health; save us more money that it
costs; and harm no people, pets,
livestock, crops, wildlife, or
Unfortunately, there is a body of
scientific evidence that contradicts
this idyllic scenario. Among the many
public opponents to fluoridation of
public water supplies are thousands of
top scientific experts, dentists,
doctors, former public health
ministers, Nobel Laureates, and more.
Many of them were formerly proponents
of community water fluoridation until
they reviewed the science and saw that
their positions needed updating. Many
industrialized countries have rejected
this practice.
The scientific method requires a
willingness to re-examine our premises
in light of the evidence. Surely we
only want to add a chemical to
everyone's water if this is the best
option and there is incontrovertible
evidence of its 100 percent safety and
efficacy. Does community water
fluoridation (CWF) really meet those
Continued at www.patriciadines.info/PHMF.html.

invite you to read my new article in
NorthBay biz magazine:
- Green
- by Patricia Dines
- July 2011
NorthBay biz magazine
- How North Bay businesses and
visitors are finding fun and
opportunity in local eco-tourism.
You can read this
article in NorthBay biz's July issue,
on various local newstands now. Or
click here to go straight to my
article online (including the
"author's cut" of the text and a PDF
of the magazine content with
graphics). Enjoy!

my new Peace Press article: Healing
Our Culture's Abuse of the Earth,
part II
Ah, the long-awaited
part II of my article is in the
June/July issue of the Sonoma County
Peace Press. In it, I describe how
we can apply the abuse model to help
steer our culture away from
eco-disaster and towards
eco-survival and happiness.
To find out more
about how we might do this, read
my article in the June/July Peace
Press (page 9) or click here. If you haven't read part I
yet, click here. I hope you enjoy this
article and find it useful.

my new Peace Press article: Healing
Our Culture's Abuse of the Earth
I was delighted to
be invited to write another article
for the Sonoma County Peace Press,
published by the Sonoma County Peace
& Justice Center. The article was
for the Earth Day issue, and so I
decided to discuss a topic I've been
thinking about for a while: how the
psychology of abuse is expressed not
just in our culture's families but
also in our businesses, politics --
and how we treat the beautiful sacred
earth. Therefore, I feel that we
can apply this model's principles to
help steer our culture away from
eco-disaster and towards
eco-survival and happiness.
To find out more
about how we might does this, read
my article in the April Peace Press
(first page) or click here. I hope you enjoy this
article and find it useful.
And thank you so
much to the people who support
me and my work, including my ongoing
development of my writing and my
service. I am very moved and grateful.
Please know that you are all woven
into what I do. Thank you!!

I invite you
to read my new article in NorthBay
biz magazine:
- Profitable
- by Patricia Dines
- February 2011
NorthBay biz magazine
- Is it still possible for
businesses to be both profitable
and green? Regular biz contributor
Patricia Dines talks with local
business leaders to find out how
green is weathering today's
economic storms.
You can read this
article in NorthBay biz's Feb. issue,
on various local newstands now. Or
click here to go straight to my
article online (including the
"author's cut" of the text and a PDF
of the magazine content with
graphics). Enjoy!

I invite you to
read my new article in NorthBay biz
- Navigating
Nonprofit Technology
- by Patricia Dines
- January 2011
NorthBay biz magazine
- With budgets and workloads
already stretched thin, keeping up
with technological innovations can
seem like just another task added
to the overflowing plates of local
nonprofits. But NorthBay biz
has found good news about how
nonprofits can unlock technology's
potential to help them be more
effective in their missions.
And when nonprofits
benefit, so do we all! They're often
the ones that lead in addressing so
many shared community issues, from the
environment to food security to
community health to improving
You can read this
article in NorthBay biz's Jan. issue,
on various local newstands now. Or
click here to go straight to my
article online (including my version
of the text and a PDF of the magazine
version with graphics). Enjoy!
I had so much fun
creating this story and am so proud of
how it came out! I hope that it's fun
and useful for you too. Please let me
know what you think! And thanks to
everyone who contributed to this

I invite you to
read my new (cover!) article in
NorthBay biz magazine:
Moving beyond greenwashing to create
authentic eco-success
EcoGirl Patricia Dines
helps NorthBay biz readers see beyond
enticing green façades to uncover the
products and approaches that support
true environmental change.
- Everywhere we turn, it seems we're
bombarded with ads for green
products, services, political
candidates, ballot measures and
more. How on earth can we identify
the ones we want to support while
dodging the greenwashers -- those
coated only with a superficial green
veneer to coax us out of our
hard-earned money and votes? More
importantly, how do we accurately
describe our own company's level of
green without overstating it and
risking the wrath of the green-savvy
You can read this
article in NorthBay biz's Aug. issue,
on various local newstands now. Or
click here to go straight to my
article online (including my version
of the text and a PDF of the magazine
version with graphics). Enjoy!
I had so much fun
creating this story and am so proud of
how it came out! I hope that it's fun
and useful for you too. Please let me
know what you think! And thanks to
everyone who contributed to this

My new Green Scene
column in NorthBay biz
I invite you to read my
Green Scene column in the March
NorthBay biz magazine, on newstands
now or at this link, "A Deeper Shade of Green." This piece gives you a
look into Petaluma's Sonoma Compost
Company (SCC) and it's organic
community composting operation. For 25
years, SCC has been diverting yard and
ag waste from the landfill and turning
it into useful organic composts and
mulches. Yes, this is where your green
can waste goes!

My new article in
Sonoma-Marin Farm News
I invite you to read my
article in the Feb. Sonoma-Marin Farm
News, "Sonoma Compost:
Celebrating 25 Years." This piece gives you a
peek behind the scenes at the
wonderful Sonoma Compost Company,
which for 25 years has been diverting
yard and ag waste from the landfill
and turning it into useful organic
composts and mulches that nurture
local farms and gardens.
"Dear Patricia -- Thanks
for the story on Sonoma Compost. It's
a great read that our readers will
find both interesting and educational.
We are happy to have the work of a pro
and welcome further stories by you
on topics related to the agricultural
industry in Sonoma and Marin Counties."
Tim Tesconi, Editor Sonoma-Marin Farm
News, Previously Ag Staff Writer for
the Press Democrat (33 years)

Read my new
article in NorthBay biz magazine:
Bringing sustainability to the
executive suite...
NorthBay biz talks with three
"sustainability officers" to find out
what such a job entails and how,
little by little, they're helping
North Bay companies reduce costs and
save the environment.
... To learn more, we talked with
three local pioneers: Lynelle Cameron,
director of sustainability for San
Rafael's Autodesk; Geof Syphers, CSO
for Rohnert Park's Codding
Enterprises; and Colby Eierman,
director of sustainability for Glen
Ellen's Benziger Family Winery.
You can read this
article in NorthBay biz's Feb. issue,
on various local newstands now. Or
click here to go straight to my
article. For the main Green Issue
link, click here. Enjoy!
I had so much fun
creating this story and learning more
about what these folks are doing, and
I hope you have fun reading it too.
Please let me know what you think!
(And thanks to everyone
who contributed to this piece,
including Ryn Longmaid for the
original title and idea spark!)

Announcing my new
"insanely useful" Ask EcoGirl
is everywhere, but there's way too
much to digest.
We're all drowning in
eco-information -- and our overwhelm
can keep us from acting. Where do we
start? What are the most useful
actions to take? How do we integrate
this into our everyday lives?
fear -- Ask EcoGirl is here!
EcoGirl understands --
and comes to the rescue! She does the
research for you, pulling together the
key information that you need to move
into action and get the results you
need. This is the fast lane to a
healthier life for you and the planet.
titles available
* Detoxing Your
Life: Assessing & Reducing
Your Exposure to Everyday Toxics
* Healthier
Housecleaning: Easy, Less-toxic,
& Cheaper Ways to Create a
Sparkling Home
To find out how to
order your very own copies of these
"insanely useful" booklets, and be
informed when new ones are released,
click here.
Making it easy to be green!
"What impresses me is that it
is SO comprehensive for such a small
booklet. Often I see a flyer on
one or two topics, but you have packed
so much in this, plus given larger
principles about how to think of these
things. You give simple suggestions
that anyone can follow and move
themselves forward in the ecological
movement -- and feel good about
it. You make it appealing to do,
not a burden."
Don Scully, MFT

I have lots of great tips
for greening your holidays!
First, you can peruse
my current and past Ask EcoGirl
columns, at www.AskEcoGirl.info/AEcolumns.html. I also have lots of great
ideas at www.healthyworld.org/ecoholidays.html. I hope that you have fun
exploring and find useful ideas. And
please share your own tips with me as
well. I love hearing other people's
success stories.
May we all help
create happy holidays for all!

Read my
new article in NorthBay biz
magazine: Seeking Fulfillment
Hi all -- My second
article for NorthBay biz magazine is
out! In this piece, I delved into a
completely new topic for me: the story
behind last May's stunning crash of
market pioneer New Vine -- and what it
revealed about the quietly booming
market for third-party wine shippers.
With wine store shelf
space very limited, wineries would
like to reach customers directly,
However, they're often stopped by
complex and restrictive state shipping
laws. Coming to the rescue are
third-party wine shippers who navigate
the shipping lanes behind the scenes,
often in creative ways, thus giving
wineries access to more sales.
This story was a fun
chance for me (and I hope my readers)
to learn more about the local wine
industry, including this successful
segment, as well as explore different
models for reaching customers. I hope
you find it of interest too!
You can read this
article in NorthBay biz's new special
Wine Issue, on various local
newstands. Look for the wine glass on
front. Or click here to go straight to my
article on my website, which includes
a scan of the article as published
with graphics. Enjoy!
- Patricia

appearance went great!
On Aug. 19, I was a
guest on "The View From The Bay,"
a daily TV talk show on San
Francisco's ABC station KGO. It's
hosted by Spencer Christian and
Janelle Wang and produced live in San
Being on the show
was lots of fun! I was delighted to
share both my approach to eco-action
(by inspiring and empowering folks
to make a difference) and to offer
their viewers some easy eco-tips.
Plus folks heard about my Ask EcoGirl
column and were invited to my
presentations at the Napa Fresh Aire
Festival, August 28-30.
For more about my
appearance, including screen shots and
a link to the video, see www.patriciadines.info/m_ViewBay081909.html

had fun at the Napa Fresh Aire
Festival Aug. 28-30!
I was glad to have a chance to talk
with others about issues of health, the
environment and more! For more info, see

Read my
new article in NorthBay biz
magazine: Financing a Greener
Learn more about Sonoma
County's innovative SCEIP program,
which offers government financing for
increasing the energy or water
efficiency of a home or business.
It'll also finance solar and other
alternative energy projects! These
projects can save us money, improve
our property's value -- and are vital
to reducing our impact on the planet.
You can either see
this in the August issue of this
monthly magazine, or click here. (And thanks Cassandra for
your help scanning the article!)

Read my
new Peace Press article: Uprooting
the Environmental Causes of
Poverty & War
I was delighted to
be invited to write about the
environment for the Sonoma County
Peace Press, published by the
Sonoma County Peace & Justice
Center. One of my passionate topics is
the connection between environmental
and social justice issues -- another
chance for us to see that saving
the earth is saving us humans too!
This piece uses as an example the
story of the Nigerian people and their
journey with the oil industry.
To read the article,
see the August Peace Press (page
5) or click here. (My web version also has
bonus links for more information on
the topics discussed!) I hope that you
enjoy this article and find it of
And thank you so
much to the people who encourage
and support me and my work, my ongoing
development of my writing and my
service. I am very moved and grateful.
Please know that you are all woven
into what I do. Thank you!!

the new interview with Patricia
Dines on planetshifter.com
Patricia Dines was
recently interviewed by Willi Paul of
planetshifter.com. Read more at www.planetshifter.com/node/1244
"My vision is that EcoGirl will fly
across the country, spreading her
eco-empowerment to all!"
"(With my eco-writing and public
speaking), I've been innovating
different ways of relating to people --
by being inspiring, empowering, and
useful -- and getting people excited
about being part of the solution!"

Become an Official Facebook EcoGirl
Fan **
connected to EcoGirl, and support her
goals, by becoming an official
Facebook EcoGirl fan. It's easy --
just click here <www.facebook.com/AskEcoGirl>.
p.s. Note the new
easier direct address -- who hoo!
Note: It isn't case sensitive.

My new
lead article "Greening Your Home
-- With No Money Down"
On the surface, Sonoma
County's new $100 million Energy
Independence Program (SCEIP) seems
simple enough, offering property owners
government financing to install solar
equipment and improve energy and water
Yet, hiding beneath this mild-mannered
exterior, lies a powerful tool to help
us solve some of our most urgent shared
problems. I've been watching this
program emerge for a while, so I'm
delighted to finally be able to tell you
about its special features.
To read this article and find out more,
see the April issue of the wonderful
West County Gazette, which features this
article on its cover. Or click here
to see both text and PDF versions of the

speaking at the March 28
Sustainability Conference
You're invited to my talk
at the Sat. March 28 Sustainability
Conference. It's being held at 1:45 at
Nit's Thai House in Guerneville (just
east of town).
My talk is titled "Detoxing Your
Life." My goal is to support
folks in nurturing the health of
themselves, their families, and our
shared ecosystem by reducing exposure to
everyday toxics. I'll be offering a
systematic approach I've developed for
identifying the everyday toxics in all
areas of your life, prioritizing the
ones you want to reduce, and making a
plan for doing so. We don't have to be
powerless to the hidden toxics in
consumer products! In addition to
personal actions, I'll also take a look
at community-level actions.
Bring your specific questions! I've
been researching and writing about this
topic for many years, including writing
The Next STEP newsletter which gently
educates people about everyday toxics
and effective alternatives. I'll also be
very interested to hear people's
feedback on the model!
For a full conference schedule, see
I look forward to seeing you there!

article alerts email list
If you
want to receive email alerts when my
articles are published, just
email that request to me at
<caphealthyworld [at]
yahoo.com>. I won't use your email
address for anything else.
I hope that you find my
writing of interest, and that it
serves our greater connection with
nature's wise ways. Thank you to
everyone who supports my work in the
world; you truly do help make it

EcoGirl Flies Again -- In
Ask EcoGirl
is appearing once again in the
wonderful HopeDance magazine, with the
column,"Taming Our Tiny Ant
Friends." Yes, we can protect
our homes without resorting to toxic
sprays. Here's how!
View this column in the
January/February issue of HopeDance and at <www.patriciadines.info/EcoGirl2e.html>. Plus that webpage has
information about sending questions to
EcoGirl, being informed about future
columns, and including the wonderful
EcoGirl in your periodical.
Click on Published Columns to see all previous columns
-- and future possible ones. Your
input and requests are most welcome!

Poem Published in the Wonderful
One of my
poems has been published in the 2009
We'Moon datebook. (We'Moon suggests
the notion of women being
related to the moon and its
cycles.) I'm honored to be part of
this beautiful best-selling
goddess-inspired calendar, which
brings forward wonderful words and
images that honor the poetry of
aligning with the Earth's sacred ways.
Click here for more about We'Moon, including ordering their
upcoming calendars and other products.

Article: "Delighting
in Our Delicious Local Farms"
The cover
of the May West County Gazette
features my lead article, "Delighting
in Our Delicious Local Farms." The
Editor, Vesta, asked me to write this
piece, wanting to lead with something
that was both fun and informative,
which she knows I love to do. With my
piece in hand, she did a beautiful job
of laying it out. We've both been
delighted to hear the enthusiastic
reader feedback as well as see the
issue fly off newstands -- with some
places running out in just a few days!
Yay team!! (Of course, she has lots of
other wonderful articles in there too.
She's great at bringing forward a
diversity of interesting voices and
You can view this
article in the May issue of the West County Gazette. To download the PDF, click
"Excellent articles
Patricia -- and fun to read!
Congratulations on the colorful front
page placement and thanks for
continuing to make a difference for
the masses by educating via your
passion and talent for writing. EcoGirl
will soon be flying into other
communities and publications, I can feel
it.Good luck with her."
Melissa Weaver, Educator, Enhanced
Health Systems

Patricia's EcoNews Blog (Reborn, In a New
Updated Format!)
Here's a totally
personal selection of news stories
that I think are especially relevant
for those of us who want a better
world for all. Topics include the
environment, energy, health, toxics,
organics, the economy, true democracy,
and community. Plus I include a little
personal commentary along the way!

Your ideas and
information invited for an
article I'm working on:
Green consultants
-- I'm looking for those in Sonoma
County who offer to help a homeowner
or small business be more green. I'm
also interested in the experiences of
those who've used such services, and
the questions of those who would like
to. Just email
me at pd [at] patriciadines.info with
your thoughts. Thanks!

the Latest News About Organics
Really Means
headlines and inaccurate articles are
clouding consumers ability to
understand what's really going on
right now. Click here to get the straight facts
so you can make wise choices and take
meaningful actions.

- We
Had Fun at the Harmony Festival
Patricia Dines was part
of the Global Cooling Panel at the
(wonderful!) Harmony Festival, Sunday
June 10, at the Sonoma County
Fairgrounds in Santa Rosa. It was fun
to connect with folks and spread the
word about the joy we can feel when we
make a positive difference in the
The Festival is presented annually and
has lots of fun people, information,
products, music, and more. They call it
"Northern California's Premier Music,
Camping & Sustainable Lifestyle
Festival." It's offerings include "World
Class Music & Speakers on multiple
stages for 3 Days and 3 Nights of
Entertainment, Arts, Ecology&
Healthful Living." This year's theme is
"Promoting Global Cooling." For more
information, see www.harmonyfestival.com.

Peak Oil Report Released
Dines was Executive Editor &
Report Coordinator of the report, "Charting
a Path for a New Energy Future for
This report was produced for the
Sebastopol City Council by the
Sebastopol Citizens Advisory Group on
Energy Vulnerability (CAGE). The purpose
was to help the City explore how to
maintain public services in the face of
anticipated significant energy supply
shortfalls (aka peak oil). Sebastopol
was one of the world's first cities to
take formal public action to explore
this issue (just as it was one of the
first U.S. cities to commit to reducing
greenhouse gas emissions).
CAGE spent over a year in focused
research and analysis, understanding the
facts and possible scenarios, exploring
innovative and realistic ways to
approach these issues, and understanding
the workings of Sebastopol's operations.
The resulting report was presented to
the City Council by Ms. Dines on April
3, 2007. All Councilmembers was warmly
appreciative of the quality of the
information and usefulness of the
Click here
for the resume page summarizing the
report and the responses. This page
includes a link to an article about
this report and a link to the final
Thank you to everyone in CAGE and
beyond who contributed to this report's
successful completion, and to the
Sebastopol City Council for seeking to
look forward and act proactively in the
best interests of the community.