Look closely at the food you ate today. Is it genetically engineered? Did corporate scientists, in their quest for higher profits and greater control of our food supply, combine the genetic material of a very different species (like a fish, bacteria, insect, or animal) into the DNA of that innocent-looking tomato? Did they do this even though no human testing has been done on the resulting food, and they acknowledge that they only know what 1% of DNA does -- let alone how the whole inter-related system works together? (What they don't understand, some presume to call just "junk.")
(2) Does everyone you care about eat only 100% organic, everywhere they go?
Eating organic is a key step, but it's only part of the solution until we end this GE madness.
This entire website is (c) Patricia
Dines, 1998-2007. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 04/05/07