About my blog --

"The Life & Times of EcoGirl"

My goal with this blog is to share my perspectives in ways that are different from my more formal published articles and columns.

So I seek to stay readable and enjoyable -- but also be more informal, personal, and experimental -- maybe share more specifics on a topic -- and say more about my personal journey. This might include my experiences figuring out how to be green, work as a writer, have fun, and help steer our culture away from eco-disaster and towards our better selves.

Click The Life & Times of EcoGirl to visit the blog.

You might also be interested in my more personal/spiritual blog, Life's Sacred Remnants.

Go to the Patricia Dines website

Go to the Ask EcoGirl website

This entire website is (c) Patricia Dines, 1998-2015. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 03/11/15