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Savoring the Gift of Local Organic
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Savoring the Gift of Local Organic
As the holidays come around again, and we pause to remember what we love and value, I encourage you to include the bountiful and nourishing mother earth in your embrace. Among the items on my eco-gratitude list are the wonderful array of local organic foods in our area. I love how they fill my body with health and aliveness, even moments of time-transcending delight. Plus I'm thrilled to help nurture local eco-farmers and ecosystems. Now I've heard some people declare that consumers should choose either local or organic. But don't we especially want the farms near us to avoid putting toxics into our air, water, and food? The underlying problems To me, it's vital that we find as many ways as we can to address the serious problems plaguing our current food system and harming our health, finances, communities, democracies, and planet. Too often, our industrial food system feeds us a limited selection of toxic, contaminated, and tasteless fruits and vegetables. These are usually grown by poorly protected workers, using poisons that hurt people and ecosystems, and picked unripe for easy transport. Then they're shipped long distances, using enormous amounts of petroleum that create large quantities of pollution and greenhouse gases. These cause health problems, foul ecosystems, and push our weather systems increasingly towards disaster. Significant packaging waste is created, and 25% of the produce doesn't even make it to our plate. Then, because of the produce's bland taste, it's often packaged with unhealthy levels of sugar, fat, salt, and fake flavors. Worse, the supermarket's illusion of choice hides the consolidation of power into big farms and corporations that make life-and-death decisions for their benefit at our cost, and leave countless small farms struggling and considering closure. (Read more about these issues in Eat Here, by Brian Halweil.) How local + organic can help By buying LOCAL food, you can: Reduce the eco-harm from petroleum-powered transportation and storage. Enjoy food that's often more fresh, nutritious, and diverse (because crops are chosen for flavor not shippability). Support our local farmers, neighbors, and economy, and help protect our open space and rural pace of life. Connect to this specific place, by eating with the seasons, exploring our region's special foods, and getting to know local people's unique gifts. Enhance our food security and self-sufficiency, so that we're less vulnerable to disruptions of transportation systems and distant food supplies. By buying ORGANIC food, you can: Remove toxic pesticides and fertilizers from our shared air, water, soil, and ecosystems. Savor food that's less-toxic, more nutritious, and non-GMO. Even simple preparation can yield tasty results! Support the farmers and producers who nurture the soil, avoid toxics, reject GMOs, and prove that farming can align with the earth's needs. Encourage more farmers and producers to adopt these practices. Believe me, they follow the money! Help this grassroots movement achieve its goal of removing toxics from all of agriculture. Countless people have worked decades to create this path. Your next steps 1) Buy local and organic produce and packaged products; this is often easier at locally-owned stores. Encourage others to do the same. We have so many wonderful options! (Note: "Organic" has a specific legal definition, but "local" doesn't. Ideally, look for items from your county or within 100 miles of home.) 2) Make farmers' markets a joyful habit for yourself and your family. They're an easy way to get fresh local organic produce, plus jam, cheese, eggs, fish, meat, flowers, pastries, etc. Plus you can get decent prices (by cutting out the middlemen), connect with neighbors, and help children build healthy food as a lifelong habit. Find Sonoma County markets at www.bit.ly/GYtWHm. 3) Give gifts of local organic food and beverages, as unique treats and to introduce folks to our local treasures. 4) Encourage the businesses and nonprofits in your life to buy local organic products. For more on this topic, plus lots of eco-holiday ideas, see www.patriciadines.info/EcoGirl7c.html [That's this page!]. And I wish you all a wonderful season! Ask EcoGirl is written by Patricia Dines, Author of The Organic Guides, and Editor and Lead Writer for The Next STEP newsletter. Email your questions about going green to <EcoGirl [at] AskEcoGirl.info> for possible inclusion in future columns. View past columns at www.AskEcoGirl.info. You can also Like "Ask EcoGirl"on Facebook, to show your support and get this high-quality information in your Newsfeed! Join at www.facebook.com/AskEcoGirl. "EcoGirl: Encouraging the eco-hero in everyone." © Copyright Patricia Dines, 2013. All rights reserved.
HOLIDAYS You can get lots more ideas for greening your
holidays on my Ask EcoGirl Eco-Holidays Theme Page.
Sign up for my low-volume writing announcement list
(1 to 3 emails a month), to get emails when my new print
articles are published, at www.patriciadines.info/EList.
* Get to know our local organic packaged products
For instance, in Sonoma County you can easily find local
organic apple juice, applesauce, sparkling cider, jam,
bread, olive oil, vinegar, tortillas, milk, butter, cheese,
yogurt, ice cream, teas, seaweed, pasta sauce, fish, meat,
wine, and beer. Look on store shelves, or search online for
your desired items. * Explore local organic farms, to have a fun time in
farm settings and get to know local farms. You can look
them up by region in the Farm Trails guide. A new print
version just came out, or you can look online at www.farmtrails.org.
Maybe even sign up for a CSA (farm subscription). Look
online for one in your area.
* "Delighting
in Our Delicious Local
Farms,"(PDF), by
Patricia Dines, West County Gazette, May 2008.
Cover story. This piece savors the delights of buying
in season from local farmers - and the benefits to
community, earth, health, and wallet.Then it shows you how
to do it, with a schedule of local farmers markets and links
to directories of local farms and CSAs. There's even a table
showing what's in season when. How fun! (Note: This link has
the article as it appeared in the periodical, in PDF
format.) * Eat Here, by Brian Halweil. This
enjoyable book brings together key info on our current food
system, plus lots of success stories in making change. "[C]onsider a point made by Frances and Anna
Lappé in their book Hope's Edge. The typical
supermarket contains no fewer than 30,00 items. About half
of those items are produced by 10 multinational food and
beverage companies. And roughly 140 people -- 117 men and 21
women -- form the boards of directors of those 10 companies.
In other words, although the plethora of products you see at
a typical supermarket gives the appearance of abundance
choice, much of the variety is more a matter of branding
than of true agricultural variety, and rather than coming to
us from thousands of different farmers producing different
local varieties, has been globally standardized and selected
for maximum profit by just a few powerful executives."
Eat Here, page 15
I'm delighted to offer you my Ask EcoGirl booklets,
"Healthier Housecleaning" and "Detoxing Your Life."
These unique, handy, and cheerful resources bring
together key information you need to create a healthier home
for your family and the planet. They make a great gift, and
quantity discounts and wholesale prices are available. Plus
all sales support my eco-healing community work. Tell a
friend! Find out more at www.askecogirl.info/booklets.html. For more information on related
eco-topics, see my other Ask
EcoGirl columns. Sign up for my low-volume writing announcement list
(1-3 emails a month), to get emails when my new print
articles are published, at www.patriciadines.info/EList. Explore and sign up for my blog at www.patriciadines.info/LTEblog. Editors: Please contact me if you'd like to publish
any of these articles in your periodical, or discuss an
article that I might write for you.
This entire website is (c) Patricia
Dines, 1998-2013. All rights reserved.
Page last updated 11/1/13